Foundational Content
Evolving Ground (eG) is laying the foundations for a new form of Vajrayana.
This is a gradual process combining expert understanding with collaborative exploration. We expect to make mistakes, learn, and adjust along the way.
As part of that process, we are establishing a public presence through exposition and dialogue. This is so that the life-affirming, pragmatic relevance of Vajrayana to contemporary experience is better understood and available to more people. The public talks and discussions on this page are the start of that project and will feed into the future creation of our foundational resources.
New! Opening Awareness Book
a guide to finding vividness in spacious clarity
Stoa Series
Charlie & Jared host an intro series on The Stoa for yogis interested in eG.
The differences between the Sutric (renunciative) & Tantric (transformative) stances in Buddhist practice.
from July 8th 2020, transcript here
The principal & function of methods in yogic/meditation practice.
from August 24th 2020, transcript here
The role and purpose of view in yogic/meditation practice.
from October 26th 2020, transcript here
How opening awareness meditation leads to an uncommon type of personal confidence.
from January 14th 2021, transcript here
The value of understanding the principles & functions of yogic/meditation practice.
from May 23rd 2021, transcript here
05: Natural Kindness & Appreciation
How kindness and appreciation arise naturally in the life-affirming path.
from June 19th 2022, transcript here
eG’s view and approach to facilitating spontaneous transformation in a community of practice.
from June 17th 2023
Podcast Interviews
We’ve talked about Evolving Ground on the Deconstructing Yourself podcast twice.
The first time was with Charlie & Jared just weeks after eG’s launch. We talked about the failure of Tibetan Buddhism to adapt to Western culture, the importance of the worldview in practice, creating new language around meditation and much more…
The second time was four years later with Charlie. Charlie talks about new developments in the eG community, play, spontaneity, a special invocation written by them and David Chapman, the teacher/student relationship, transformation, and liberating the shadow.
Charlie has a wide-ranging chat on Jared’s podcast, with Jared Janes.
Topics include meditation methods, views, paths, and their relationship with therapy and everyday life.
Vince Horn interviewed Charlie, Jared & David Chapman about the first year of eG on his Buddhist Geeks podcast.
Topics include the founding of eG, community roles, and what it means to build meta-systematic communities of practice.
Contact us here to request an interview.

Vajrayana Now & Vividness inspire our approach.