Happy Yogis

We’re a community of meditators and practitioners (yogis) who meet online and in-person.

The foundation of our practice is opening awareness, a meditation which leads to spacious, congruent involvement in relationships and everyday life.

While we do have paid community roles and teachings, involvement with our community of Happy Yogis is free. Hundreds have joined since we launched in July 2020. Anyone can access an evolving variety of resources, gatherings & spaces.

We commit never to pressure community members for contribution, financial or otherwise.

Our Community

Community Norms

Every community has norms, some explicit, some implicit. The community’s norms are a container for communication. The way conversation occurs and the patterns it establishes create the community vibe.

We welcome skillful disagreement, expressing doubt, and curious skepticism.

These are the communication norms that we want to pattern our inter-personal, group dynamics.

Gatherings & Spaces

We provide free access to the community and our foundational methods.

We take multiple time zones into consideration. Most of our events are accessible from different continents.

All Happy Yogis…

• Are invited to our community platform that hosts our events calendar (virtual and in-person), resources, courses, and spaces for rich discussion.

•  Receive our email updates and newsletter.

• Can join monthly Vajrayana and Opening Awareness Q&As.

• Are invited to participate in community-hosted hangouts and study groups.

Find full descriptions of recurring community gatherings here.

Ready to join?

We ask you to fill out a short form about your practice background and interest in eG.

Yogis looking for further involvement take specific eG roles.